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Ibarra Herminia Act Like a Leader Think Like a Leader Harvard Business Review Press 2015

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Dec 02, 2014 rated it it was astonishing
Few years agone when I started to atomic number 82 a team of client service representatives I was adamant to be a adept leader for my agents. I started preparing myself by doing my own inquiry on how great leaders atomic number 82, communicate, and inspire their followers. I read books, articles, and took courses on direction and leadership continuously. I told myself that I had picked upwardly keen insights and I am set to go.

True enough those insights help me and my team reach our objectives and thereby contribute

Few years ago when I started to atomic number 82 a squad of customer service representatives I was determined to be a good leader for my agents. I started preparing myself past doing my own research on how slap-up leaders lead, communicate, and inspire their followers. I read books, articles, and took courses on direction and leadership continuously. I told myself that I had picked up great insights and I am ready to go.

True enough those insights help me and my team achieve our objectives and thereby contribute in 1 way and another to the success of our program. Nevertheless, when things gotten tough that's when I feel that the insights I learned, though very helpful, are not plenty. My personal leadership feel helped me to "feel" what leadership is in action as opposed to "knowing" what leadership is based on my readings.

Herminia Ibarra's book Act Like A Leader, Think Like A Leader told me that doing the acts of leadership will eventually pb to me call back like a leader. I subscribed to this idea since I experienced information technology myself when I failed to communicate properly with my team. I knew the importance of communication equally well as how to do information technology. Yet, when things became tough and stressful, my negative emotions has gotten over me. All my noesis were thrown out of the window, and I started to human activity less than my platonic self. As a result, my squad was pretty shaken and functioning started to dwindle. That was the bespeak, when I started to reverberate on what happen and all my knowledge came to the rescue but after the tempest.

This book also discusses what are the things one has to practice to step upwards to leadership. Herminia guided me on how to navigate the nuances of getting new experiences and exploring the possibilities of working on extracurricular activities that will help not only learning new things but also getting new contacts.

Since sometimes I feel that embarking on a new journeying and practicing new behavior feels similar "fake", Herminia dedicated a specific affiliate in dealing with this feeling of non being accurate.

There are many things you tin learn in this book aside from those I take mentioned. The author also shared her experiences as she goes through the lessons in every chapter.

For the person reading this review correct now, if you want to become a good leader start focusing on taking actions now. If yous don't know how, I recommend this book to yous.

Jan 25, 2021 rated it really liked it
I really enjoyed this book. Some bits seemed to exist expressed too quickly and I wished for the author to slow down and explicate a scrap more, but overall, I found this to exist very useful and really a legitimate assist to amend a career. I don't know if I will cease up using whatever of this, just I certainly at this point feel like I will revisit this volume again some day.

The book was very simple and to the point without much babbling about, at least to me. It was dry out at times, merely considering the topic was then i

I really enjoyed this volume. Some bits seemed to exist expressed likewise quickly and I wished for the author to slow downwards and explain a bit more, simply overall, I institute this to be very useful and actually a legitimate help to improve a career. I don't know if I will end up using whatever of this, merely I certainly at this point experience like I will revisit this book again some twenty-four hour period.

The book was very simple and to the betoken without much babbling most, at least to me. It was dry at times, simply considering the topic was so interesting, I stayed hooked.

Ivan Kulis
Mar 28, 2016 rated it it was astonishing
What a fantastic volume! Information technology combines a uncomplicated still powerful writing, solid academic research and insights from leadership practice.

The book targets "leaders in making" and focuses on this *process* of making -- instead of listing "20 fundamental leadership traits" like hundreds of books on the market. In that sense, it is heretic: it argues against SMART goals and articulate objectives and paints the leadership process as an emergent try in which goals are shaped by an iterative piece of work on i self. Information technology draws fr

What a fantastic book! Information technology combines a elementary yet powerful writing, solid academic enquiry and insights from leadership exercise.

The volume targets "leaders in making" and focuses on this *process* of making -- instead of list "20 key leadership traits" like hundreds of books on the market. In that sense, it is heretic: it argues against SMART goals and clear objectives and paints the leadership process as an emergent effort in which goals are shaped past an iterative work on one cocky. Information technology draws from Steve Jobsian line of idea of "connecting the dots afterwards" and calls for playful human relationship with ourselves in order to experiment with different roles and engage in deep learning and reflection.
The book calls for small steps and organized religion in the process instead of proclaiming to atomic number 82 united states to an illusionary perfect leadership model. Information technology injects elements of artistry, encouraging us to "steal" from our role models and creatively combine various personality traits in order to develop our own identity.
Ibarra writes in a simple style (sometimes it reads like blog entries from one of those productivity sites), yet she complements her writing style with a strong research and an intuitive and businesslike conceptual framework, which makes this book very applied.
Highly recommended for seasoned and young leaders, equally well as for those at the starting time of their career.

February 10, 2015 rated information technology actually liked it
What is leadership? What is management? Why do many people mix these terms upwardly? Why are so many so-called leaders or managers stuck in a time warp? The answers to these questions and more likewise are woven together in this meaty book.

Despite the volume covering a lot of interesting topics, it is a chip of a irksome burner and it is unclear whether today's busy executive – those who need this the most – will have the time or inclination to fight their way through it. That would exist a shame. Publicity m

What is leadership? What is management? Why practice many people mix these terms upwards? Why are then many and then-called leaders or managers stuck in a time warp? The answers to these questions and more too are woven together in this compact book.

Despite the book covering a lot of interesting topics, it is a flake of a tiresome burner and it is unclear whether today's busy executive – those who need this the most – will have the fourth dimension or inclination to fight their way through it. That would be a shame. Publicity material for the book notes that and so many remain stuck in outdated mind-sets and modes of operating, fifty-fifty after others recognize the need for alter. Modern-solar day leaders need to acquire to pin even when there are no obvious signals guiding their fashion and this book modestly propose that it can help!

Certainly sometime views such as securely reflecting on i'due south strengths and weaknesses are thrown to the wayside, as the writer notes: "Most traditional leadership training or coaching aims to change the fashion you retrieve, request you to reflect on who you are and who y'all'd similar to become. Indeed, introspection and self-reflection have become the holy grail of leadership development. Increment your self-awareness beginning. Know who you are. Define your leadership purpose and authentic self, and these insights volition guide your leadership journey. There is an entire leadership cottage industry based on this idea, with thousands of books, programmes, and courses designed to help you find your leadership fashion, be an accurate leader, and play from your leadership strengths while working on your weaknesses." Yet the author is non and then impressed, adding: "If y'all've tried these sorts of methods, then you know just how limited they are. They tin greatly help you identify your current strengths and leadership way. But (…) your current mode of thinking about your chore and yourself is exactly what'southward keeping you from stepping up. Yous'll need to change your heed-set, and in that location's only one way to practise that: by acting differently."

Y'all might need to force yourself to read this book, assimilate its contents and act upon its recommendations. It could have done with being just a little more accessible though!

The communication given is quite revolutionary and certainly evolutionary. Change for necessity rather than change's sake. You might need to swim confronting the stream for a while, cutting out unnecessary meetings, email exchanges, travel and the whole corporate BS. Break out of the rigid, inflexible confines that act against you and your company's interests.

After reading this volume, perchance you won't look at direction and leadership in the same calorie-free again. Mayhap you will even take the lead, manage yourself and manage your co-workers accordingly.

Act Similar a Leader, Recall Like a Leader, written by Herminia Ibarra and published by Harvard Business Review Press. ISBN 9781422184127, 200 pages. YYYY

The information provided in this book is high quality. This book may be an incredibly useful book for me and for others when information technology comes to the information provided. The publisher of the book is Harvard and Herminia Ibarra clearly knows what she is talking about. The problem is that the cloth is presented in such a dry out way. The saving grace is that the volume isn't long.

The audiobook version may be a star lower than the hard copy or kindle version. The voice and inflection of the narrator play

The information provided in this volume is high quality. This volume may be an incredibly useful volume for me and for others when it comes to the information provided. The publisher of the volume is Harvard and Herminia Ibarra conspicuously knows what she is talking about. The problem is that the cloth is presented in such a dry manner. The saving grace is that the book isn't long.

The audiobook version may be a star lower than the hard re-create or kindle version. The phonation and inflection of the narrator play like a lullaby sometimes and may put yous to sleep.

Moutasem Awa
Mar 23, 2018 rated it actually liked information technology
Awesome book. Very helpful in validating your thinking if you're already stepping up into a leadership role, or to fix your expectations for the journey to becoming a leader.

My favourite part is chapter 4 where it helps you lot understand your new possible personalities and how to tackle the imposter feelings you go while exploring new parts of yourself.

The practical steps and evaluations are also like shooting fish in a barrel to follow and very useful.

Awesome book. Very helpful in validating your thinking if y'all're already stepping up into a leadership role, or to gear up your expectations for the journey to becoming a leader.

My favourite office is chapter 4 where it helps you understand your new possible personalities and how to tackle the imposter feelings y'all become while exploring new parts of yourself.

The applied steps and evaluations are also easy to follow and very useful.

Aug 21, 2018 rated information technology information technology was amazing
I really enjoyed this book. Ibarra's approach is very unlike from what I have read in the by on how ane becomes a leader in an organization. Ibarra finds the that procedure is what shapes someone into a leader and not the end goal. I highly recommended this book, y'all know it's proficient when she can fit in a Bruce Lee reference. I really enjoyed this volume. Ibarra's approach is very unlike from what I accept read in the past on how 1 becomes a leader in an organization. Ibarra finds the that process is what shapes someone into a leader and not the end goal. I highly recommended this book, you know it'southward proficient when she can fit in a Bruce Lee reference. ...more
Apr 22, 2017 rated it information technology was amazing
A very applied and inspiring volume for anybody who has a passion for leading. I am surprised it is not a NY times all-time seller as I learned much more than from this book compared to many other famous leadership books!
Adrienne Dalaly
My piece of work squad volume club picked this as the most recent read. Some adept phrases, just zero footing-breaking in terms of leadership.
Julius Schelstraete
This is a cracking guide for anyone starting their professional career in concern as a young graduate.
Nov 16, 2021 rated it really liked it
This was an assigned reading for a leadership form in my master'south programme and I must say - I enjoyed it much more than I ordinarily enjoy other "take-to" reads. Time passed quickly when reading this, and I thought Ibarra had some valuable insights. My reading of the last chapter was colored by her apply of Paul's story at the start of chapter five, however. Every bit this is a biblical story, Christians such as myself run into this as God'due south divine intervention, and (at to the lowest degree the fashion I read it) she seemed to say t This was an assigned reading for a leadership course in my master's plan and I must say - I enjoyed it much more than I usually enjoy other "have-to" reads. Time passed quickly when reading this, and I idea Ibarra had some valuable insights. My reading of the final affiliate was colored by her utilise of Paul'southward story at the start of chapter 5, yet. As this is a biblical story, Christians such as myself come across this as God's divine intervention, and (at least the style I read it) she seemed to say this is something nosotros cannot expect in our own lives. Past our own power, no nosotros cannot, simply by using a biblical example you lot bring God into the picture - and through Him all things are possible. This but my two cents though - I just felt it worth mentioning because it impacted my perception of the rest of the volume. ...more
Chris Weatherburn
Not bad book virtually leadership, ane of the most of import points is making time to change and develop yourself from outwith. This is different from introspective modify, instead become inspired by experiencing new things, being aware of external things will help you develop.
Prevent beingness bogged down with the functioning of day chore and accept fourth dimension for some strategic oversight. Put yourself out there in positions of discomfort that will permit you to thrive. If you keep to do your same operational job on
Corking book about leadership, one of the most of import points is making time to change and develop yourself from outwith. This is different from introspective modify, instead become inspired past experiencing new things, being aware of external things will help you lot develop.
Prevent existence bogged downward with the operation of twenty-four hour period job and have time for some strategic oversight. Put yourself out in that location in positions of discomfort that volition allow you to thrive. If y'all continue to do your same operational chore on competencies that were obtained several years ago you will non develop the necessary leadership skills for future projects. Even keeping the aforementioned role volition be challenging as jobs always have irresolute responsibilities, and so keep developing or you will exist left behind.

Contains one of the best explanations of the divergence between management and leadership that I have ever establish: "Management entails doing today'due south work as efficiently and competently as possible within established goals, procedures, and organizational structures. Leadership, in contrast, is aimed at creating change in what we practise and how we practise it, which is why leadership requires working outside established goals, procedures, and structures and explaining to others why it'due south of import to change"

Best leaders work equally a bridge between their squad and others outside the team. It is important non to spend all your time with internal team work.

Outlines the importance of networking. Rather than doing networking when you desire a new job, network prior to this, attain a network by trying to build personal relationships with people. One of the interesting things this book outlines about your network is that information technology is typically with people who are in the aforementioned line of work every bit you. Instead aim to know people from all lines of piece of work. Actively coming together people from different types of piece of work and disciplines allows you to understand new concepts and ideas that may provide valuable insights into your own discipline.

Details the stepping upwards process. Leadership is a gradual thing, you'll oft not know the cease goal of results when yous at first attempt them. Have the attitude like an actor in which you are trying unlike things to discover what you believe suits y'all well. Some people struggle with this is they call up that they're not being accurate only this is just a applied learning fashion. Hence the title of the volume.

Realise that y'all may non know the terminate goal of y'all evolving in your leadership journey. Exist enlightened others around you are not learning the same things as yous are so they may not support the new leader you lot are becoming and they may want to treat you like the quondam you.

...more than
April 27, 2019 rated it it was ok
The volume presents science-based managerial advice on the importance of networking, how to be an constructive leader, and how to make sure your network facilitates your evolution as a leader and a professional person.

There are several self-tests and presentations of dissimilar types of network relationships, plenty for the reader to conduct "a network inspect" to realize the structure and quality of one's business organisation and other professional networks. "Fortune favors the connected heed" is a main message through

The book presents science-based managerial communication on the importance of networking, how to be an effective leader, and how to make sure your network facilitates your evolution every bit a leader and a professional.

In that location are several self-tests and presentations of different types of network relationships, enough for the reader to conduct "a network audit" to realize the structure and quality of one's business and other professional networks. "Fortune favors the connected heed" is a main message throughout the book.

Where the structure falls a fleck is towards the end, when the pros of networking, trying to change ane's core identity and values based on the type of consequence and people one is encountering, are outlined; what the author terms "chameleon" just looks like a bona fide description of a sociopath to me. Should you strive to be a "chameleon"? The volume makes this claim and criticized authenticity as a concept. With a scientific background, it is piece of cake to discover that, while the network structure role in the book is scientifically sound, this latter function lacks rigor. In that, the book could have been cut in one-half; a expert scientific one on networking, and an iffy one on trying to fit in as a "chameleon".

...more than
May 02, 2016 rated it it was amazing
A founder to a start-up company recommended this volume to me during ane of our conversations. Subsequently reading this, I wish I had this book during my transition into the current role. This is a very well researched, inspiring book both for those who is newly promoted for a larger management role/ looking for a alter/ needed a change afterwards hitting a glass ceiling.

As much as this book is nearly transitioning to leadership, this is also a book about changing mindsets and how to do it pace by footstep. Exam

A founder to a commencement-up company recommended this book to me during one of our conversations. Subsequently reading this, I wish I had this book during my transition into the current role. This is a very well researched, inspiring book both for those who is newly promoted for a larger management role/ looking for a change/ needed a alter afterward hit a drinking glass ceiling.

Every bit much as this book is about transitioning to leadership, this is also a book almost changing mindsets and how to practice information technology step past step. Examples quoted within are very practical and if y'all lived the corporate life earlier, I'm sure they'll strike a resonance. I notice it especially true that most books or people, when advising near transition into leadership - will always tell y'all to plan big, establish vision etc. Not that these are non of import, just often as you transition, develop and evolve as a person or in your direction manner, your gear up of vision or priorities may require course correction. Then simply what used to be important may, at different stages of our life, modify form as well. I'll recommend this for anyone who wanted some inspiration and looking at management/ leadership in a different lens.

...more than
May 20, 2019 rated it did non like it
This book was recommended by some best of business listing similar a HBR or a Forbes or something so I added it to my queue. I can see why some feel like this book is very valuable. It may work for large organizations and traditional managers simply neither of those is particularly me. I try to think of each book as getting at least one nugget that I can carry away. I suppose for this book, it was the categorization of the different types of networks that I thought was interesting, if non necessarily des This book was recommended by some best of business list like a HBR or a Forbes or something so I added it to my queue. I can see why some feel like this volume is very valuable. It may work for large organizations and traditional managers but neither of those is particularly me. I endeavour to think of each book as getting at least 1 nugget that I can carry away. I suppose for this book, information technology was the categorization of the different types of networks that I thought was interesting, if not necessarily destined to help me up my leadership game. Ultimately, this was a book from an bookish with experience studying, not living, business scenarios meant for the centre to aspiring upper manager for a very big organization. Since I piece of work for a smaller visitor and already understand the basics like "networking is very important. You should do it", I didn't have as much to take away. ...more
Tara Brabazon
This is a refreshing book on leadership. Well-nigh theories of leadership offer the well-nigh basic - and disappointing - strategies for 'reflection' and 'networking.' What makes this book interesting, particularly for merely-emerging managers, is that it dismisses 'authenticity.' There is no unmarried way to claim an identity in and for management. Specially for women, in that location are embodied normalities than hamper growth and promotion.

Recommended for those who want to understand the fundamental illusion - and

This is a refreshing volume on leadership. Most theories of leadership offering the virtually basic - and disappointing - strategies for 'reflection' and 'networking.' What makes this book interesting, peculiarly for only-emerging managers, is that information technology dismisses 'authenticity.' There is no single fashion to claim an identity in and for management. Peculiarly for women, there are embodied normalities than hamper growth and promotion.

Recommended for those who want to understand the fundamental illusion - and mirage - of leadership.

...more than
Amy  rider
Nov 18, 2017 rated it really liked it
Saw this book recommended on LinkedIn and read it. Some good info about the differences in operational leadership and how to step upwards into larger roles.
Gunhee Park
Nov 27, 2017 rated it did not like it
1 of those business books where information technology drills the same concept over and again.
Lim Lyn
Aug 07, 2019 rated it it was astonishing
This book provide a lot of actionable steps and curt story examples to hit habitation the key points . There was not a lot of fluff which fabricated it a great learning tool and is refreshing. I honey the fact that terminate the cease of each affiliate there was a summary of key points. Definitely would recommend this book to anyone transitioning into leadership roles

Primal points
1. Leaders envision alter and demand to bridge diverse groups to solicit/engage people to make the changes.
Alter = idea + process + you

This book provide a lot of actionable steps and short story examples to hit abode the key points . There was not a lot of fluff which made it a smashing learning tool and is refreshing. I dearest the fact that cease the end of each affiliate there was a summary of key points. Definitely would recommend this book to anyone transitioning into leadership roles

Primal points
ane. Leaders envision change and need to bridge diverse groups to solicit/engage people to make the changes.
Change = idea + procedure + you lot
Interestingly you and the process is more than of import in order to get people to prefer the change

How to envision any change start by
ane. Redefine your work
- we have a tendency to focus in our core squad and work areAs
- look to change your piece of work past getting involve in areas outside your normal piece of work

2. Redefine your relationships
- importance of networking and getting to know people outside your unit /organisation/ functionality to connect the dots and ideas
- concept of organisation, personal and strategic networks

3. Redefine your self
- I dearest the quote from Bruce Lee " Exist like h2o" to remain fluid and evolve in our personal styles
- Reminder to set learning goals and experiment with what works

In closing the summary of the process/cycle of stepping upwardly was quite motivating for me as information technology paints that the road to any desired outcome is never linear but has peaks and valleys but with each small step we are inching frontward to growth and transformation

May 21, 2019 rated it liked it
A worthwhile read, although a little dry and technical.
Some practiced takeaways:
* To go a leader, y'all need to gain "outsight," or push yourself into new situations with new people. This leads to external perspective. Augment the scope of your task: Go involved in projects outside your area, participate in extracurricular activities, communicate your personal "why," and create slack in your schedule. Empathise the bigger context in which you lot operate.
* When you play a "bridge role," you link you
A worthwhile read, although a little dry out and technical.
Some skillful takeaways:
* To get a leader, you need to proceeds "outsight," or push button yourself into new situations with new people. This leads to external perspective. Augment the scope of your job: Get involved in projects exterior your area, participate in extracurricular activities, communicate your personal "why," and create slack in your schedule. Empathise the bigger context in which you operate.
* When you play a "span role," you link your team to the rest of the relevant earth. You lot align team goals with organizational priorities, funnel disquisitional data and resource into the squad to ensure progress toward goals, get support of key allies outside the team, enhance external visibility and reputation of the squad, and get recognition for practiced performers and place them in great next assignments.
* What do charismatic leaders have in common? Strong convictions based on personal feel; expert, frequent communication, more often than not through personal stories; a strong coherence between what they believe, what they really exercise, and who they are.
* From the CEO of The Weather condition Channel: "A leader has to sympathize the world. You have to be far more than external, more than cosmopolitan, have a more than global view than always before, to define your company's place in that, its purpose and value."
Nov eighteen, 2018 rated it actually liked information technology
Act Like a Leader, Thinking Like a Leader by Herminia Ibarra was such a refreshing accept on the traditional self-help/leadership manner volume. In the past, I've always found this genre to exist extremely wearisome and, while I was interested in the topic, it was just too dry out which caused me to very slowly muddle through the book (I hateful who actually wants to read about leadership styles when you could be reading nearly dragons/magic/murders mysteries). I really enjoyed the practical accept Ibarra took when di Human action Like a Leader, Thinking Like a Leader by Herminia Ibarra was such a refreshing accept on the traditional self-help/leadership style book. In the past, I've always found this genre to be extremely ho-hum and, while I was interested in the topic, it was just too dry which caused me to very slowly muddle through the book (I mean who really wants to read about leadership styles when y'all could exist reading near dragons/magic/murders mysteries). I really enjoyed the practical take Ibarra took when discussing leadership and developing into a leadership part. Instead of the standard "remember nearly things different" she challenges the reader to act different and let your thoughts follow en suite. A few of her more popular theories/concepts that really resonated with me were: Outsight, "False information technology till you make it" is extremely practical in a leadership setting and feeling like a fraud is completely normal when taking on a new role/task. While I highly recommend the audiobook, I recollect a digital or printed edition might exist a ameliorate arroyo. Human action Similar a Leader, Think Similar a Leader includes a lot of supplemental charts/diagrams. The author includes those with the audiobook, but usually whenever I was listening, I couldn't easily access these materials. Overall, a very enjoyable book! ...more than
Felipe Sarmiento
Smashing and fast read on stepping up to leadership roles!

The main bulletin of this book is doing before thinking. Start your change by modifying your outside, which in time will redefine yous inside.

The author goes through a series of steps on how to outset interim equally a leader, describing key activities like studying and imitating role models, agreement and learning from your experiences, increasing your 3 networks (personal, operational and strategic), participating on extracurricular activit

Smashing and fast read on stepping up to leadership roles!

The main bulletin of this book is doing before thinking. Start your alter by modifying your outside, which in fourth dimension will redefine you within.

The writer goes through a series of steps on how to kickoff acting as a leader, describing key activities like studying and imitating role models, understanding and learning from your experiences, increasing your three networks (personal, operational and strategic), participating on extracurricular activities, and putting yourself on uncomfortable situations. Some of these activities may brand y'all feel non-accurate or "faux", a topic that is touched in depth by the writer past analyzing the Actuality Traps.

The book closes with an interesting discussion about the difficulties and the steps of internal and external transition process (east.g. a personal re-evaluation, or a job alter respectively). And how these transitions/experiences will go the lifeblood of your leadership skills.

I fully recommend this book for anyone that is set up to pace-up. It is a fast, entertaining and very informative read, which volition requite you lot expert tools to move forward.

Balázs Ilsinszki
This volume helped me a lot to sympathize why my first attempts of introducing change to a small team failed. I've washed the same mistakes that are listed in the book, and then the learnings resonated with me. Would advise this book to everyone who is about to get-go leading a team.

Some of the about important learnings/topics in the book:
- Larn by doing, called the Outsight Principle hither.
- Expectation towards yous will change, and then doing the same things merely won't cut it. "When the rate of change exterior

This volume helped me a lot to understand why my start attempts of introducing change to a minor squad failed. I've done the same mistakes that are listed in the book, so the learnings resonated with me. Would advise this book to anybody who is about to starting time leading a team.

Some of the most important learnings/topics in the book:
- Learn by doing, chosen the Outsight Principle here.
- Expectation towards you will alter, then doing the aforementioned things simply won't cut it. "When the rate of change exterior exceeds the rate of change inside, the cease is in sight."
- Difference betwixt managers and leaders.
- Irresolute role and thinking is hard, aka competency traps explained.
- Networking volition need an endeavor and witting decisions, otherwise you will end up talking with people who are physically shut and have a similar mindset.
- Chameleon type people can play with their styles, habits and behaviour easily. True-to-Selfer type see this as an insult to their authenticity, making them feel fake, which holds them dorsum from improving.
- At that place are cultures where people are taught: "The loudest duck gets shot".

...more than
Pooja Gajipara

I have very mixed views well-nigh this book. Just I would like to segment them in terms of content and quality. ⁣

The content of the book is very apt for its genre and have some extremely good points on how to tackle virtually pressing leadership challenges. Quality on the other hand, has burnt away the bear upon. Both summing up to provide not much of a value to the reader. ⁣

The points made in the book were valid, simply there were too many small anecdotes and the sidebar stories were told in a choppy and di

I have very mixed views nigh this book. But I would like to segment them in terms of content and quality. ⁣

The content of the book is very apt for its genre and have some extremely skilful points on how to tackle most pressing leadership challenges. Quality on the other hand, has burnt abroad the impact. Both summing up to provide not much of a value to the reader. ⁣

The points made in the volume were valid, simply at that place were too many minor anecdotes and the sidebar stories were told in a inclement and distorting manner. The bulletin of the whole volume is kind of summed up in its proper noun- In order to climb up at a leadership role in professional world, you must get-go deed like a leader then you recollect like a leader. In brusque, you learn more by doing than past thinking about something. I felt the book could have been a very good essay. It was simply stretched to a book with repetition of few skillful points. ⁣


Favorite quotes from the book- "𝘐𝘵'𝘴 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘰𝘰 𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘺 𝘵𝘰 𝘧𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘩𝘰𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘨𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘶𝘳𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘪𝘮𝘱𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘵."⁣
...more than
Chad Schultz
This volume isn't necessarily about leadership. Information technology's communication for managed and junior executives at large companies who are interested in advancing their careers.

In that location's zero particularly earth-shattering in this book.

The author makes the claim that to change your thinking, you need to change your actions. That thinking is useless. I'm non completely sold on that bespeak. At i point she makes the case that acting more confident and outgoing can crusade you to go more confident. Ok, I'll purchase that

This book isn't necessarily about leadership. It's advice for managed and junior executives at large companies who are interested in advancing their careers.

There'due south nothing particularly earth-shattering in this volume.

The writer makes the claim that to change your thinking, you need to modify your actions. That thinking is useless. I'one thousand not completely sold on that indicate. At 1 point she makes the case that acting more confident and approachable tin cause y'all to become more than confident. Ok, I'll purchase that.

Some of the writer's communication:
- spend more time working, but specifically on tasks to advance your career
- avoid micromanagement
- aggressively network for your career, but outside the groups you unremarkably recollect of. Consider other teams, departments, companies or industries
- attempt not merely to attend conferences or networking events, but to actively participate - ideally by presenting
- improve your public speaking skills, especially storytelling

Srinivasan Nanduri
Not a routine leadership guide. A good one.

My notes:
- To pace up to leadership, you have to learn to think like a leader.
- The way y'all call back is a production of your past experience. The only way to change how you think, therefore, is to practice different things.
- Doing things—rather than but thinking well-nigh them—will increase your outsight on what leadership is all nigh.
- Outsight comes from a "tripod" of sources: new ways of doing your work (your task), new relationships (your network), and new way

Not a routine leadership guide. A skillful ane.

My notes:
- To step upwardly to leadership, you accept to learn to think like a leader.
- The style you think is a product of your by feel. The only way to change how you retrieve, therefore, is to do different things.
- Doing things—rather than only thinking about them—will increase your outsight on what leadership is all about.
- Outsight comes from a "tripod" of sources: new ways of doing your work (your job), new relationships (your network), and new ways of connecting to
and engaging people (yourself).
- Sustainable alter in your leadership chapters requires shifts on all three
legs of the tripod.
- To act like a leader
one. Bridge across various people and groups
two. Envision new possibilities
three. Appoint people in the change process
4. Embody the change

Jul 24, 2021 rated information technology really liked it
I don't unremarkably read books well-nigh career development, but this volume on leadership came recommended, and then I decided to requite information technology a try. Much of it didn't seem applicative considering I'm not in management and don't want to be, just as I kept reading, I saw that a lot of the lessons still applied to developing my career every bit an individual contributor. It'due south skilful to build my network exterior my firsthand team, to build relationships to drive projects, and to not lose sight of larger goals for immediate work. I re I don't usually read books virtually career evolution, but this book on leadership came recommended, and so I decided to give information technology a try. Much of information technology didn't seem applicable because I'm non in direction and don't want to be, but as I kept reading, I saw that a lot of the lessons withal applied to developing my career as an individual correspondent. Information technology's good to build my network outside my immediate squad, to build relationships to drive projects, and to non lose sight of larger goals for immediate work. I recently changed jobs, but I know how I would've applied them in my old chore had I wanted to stay - hopefully soon I'll meet how to apply them in my new job. ...more
Viktorija Ratomske
Though the championship of the book might seem a scrap 'help-yourself'-kinda book, the inside hides greats things. Useful notes are given about networking, attending to sure areas in your career and how to check yourself at various steps while growing in your part(south). I would say this book will have useful information for your leaders and emerging managers, who are working in highly pressured and constantly shifting environments, when sometimes your role is not divers by your peers and you have to cr Though the title of the book might seem a bit 'assistance-yourself'-kinda book, the inside hides greats things. Useful notes are given about networking, attending to certain areas in your career and how to check yourself at various steps while growing in your role(s). I would say this book will accept useful information for your leaders and emerging managers, who are working in highly pressured and constantly shifting environments, when sometimes your function is not defined by your peers and you take to create it or your KPIs for that matter yourself. ...more
Jessie Spangler
More iii.5 stars for me.

For a nonfiction book, this was pretty interesting and much of information technology applicable to my own life and career. Although it seemed more than aimed for an older oversupply (those who are "mid career"), I still found it useful and have started applying several of these lessons to my ain career and will probably continue to do then. There was no over-complicated jargon, and laid out several paths one tin take to improve their leadership skills and to internalize oneself as a leader in all attribute

More than iii.5 stars for me.

For a nonfiction volume, this was pretty interesting and much of it applicative to my own life and career. Although it seemed more aimed for an older oversupply (those who are "mid career"), I still institute information technology useful and have started applying several of these lessons to my ain career and will probably go along to practise and then. There was no over-complicated jargon, and laid out several paths one can take to improve their leadership skills and to internalize oneself as a leader in all aspects of life.

Sep 19, 2018 rated it really liked it
Mrs. Ibarra presents numerous points supporting the idea of becoming a better leader requires one to work as a leader and improve along the manner using outsight. She sums this up in the following quote. "Outsight holds the power to reshape your prototype of who you are, what you can do, and what is worth doing - information technology will change the fashion you recollect." A deep and of import point to ponder as y'all finish the text. This book is well worth the time investment to read. Mrs. Ibarra presents numerous points supporting the idea of condign a amend leader requires one to piece of work as a leader and meliorate along the way using outsight. She sums this upward in the post-obit quote. "Outsight holds the ability to reshape your paradigm of who you lot are, what you can do, and what is worth doing - it volition change the way you call back." A deep and important point to ponder as you lot stop the text. This volume is well worth the time investment to read. ...more

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