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Trisngle With Upload N Download in Scrollbar

Graphical user interface element

Examples of horizontal and vertical scrollbars effectually a text box

A scrollbar is an interaction technique or widget in which continuous text, pictures, or any other content can be scrolled in a predetermined direction (upwardly, down, left, or right) on a computer display, window, or viewport so that all of the content can be viewed, even if only a fraction of the content can be seen on a device'due south screen at one fourth dimension. It offers a solution to the problem of navigation to a known or unknown location within a 2-dimensional data space.[1] It was also known as a handle in the very first GUIs. They are present in a wide range of electronic devices including computers, graphing calculators, mobile phones, and portable media players. The user interacts with the scrollbar elements using some method of direct action, the scrollbar translates that action into scrolling commands, and the user receives feedback through a visual updating of both the scrollbar elements and the scrolled content.[ii]

Although scrollbar designs differ throughout their history, they normally announced on ane or 2 sides of the viewing area as long rectangular areas containing a bar (or thumb) that tin be dragged forth a trough (or runway) to move the trunk of the document. This can be placed vertically, horizontally, or both in the window depending on which direction the content extends past its boundaries. Ii arrows are oft included on either end of the thumb or trough for more precise adjustments. The "thumb" has unlike names in different environments: on the Mac Os 10 10.four information technology is called a "scroller";[3] on the Coffee platform it is chosen "thumb" or "knob"; Microsoft'due south .Net documentation refers to information technology as "ringlet box" or "coil thumb"; in other environments it is called "elevator", "quint", "puck", "wiper" or "grip"; in certain environments where browsers use doubter language to the scrollbar terminology, the pollex is referred to as the 'pea' for vertical move of the bar and notwithstanding use 'puck' for horizontal movement.

Additional functions may be institute, such equally zooming in/out or diverse application-specific tools. Depending on the GUI, the size of the thumb can exist fixed or variable in size; in the after case of proportional thumbs, its length would indicate the size of the window in relation to the size of the whole certificate, indicated past the full track. While proportional thumbs were available in several GUIs, including GEM, AmigaOS and PC/GEOS, even in the mid 1980s, Microsoft did not implement them until Windows 95. A proportional pollex that completely fills the trough indicates that the entire document is existence viewed, at which indicate the scrollbar may temporarily go hidden. The proportional thumb can as well sometimes be adjusted by dragging its ends, such as in Sony Vegas, a not-linear video editing software parcel. In this case it would adjust both the position and the zooming of the document, where the size of the thumb represents the caste of zooming applied.

A scrollbar should be distinguished from a slider which is another visually like yet functionally dissimilar object. The slider is used to change values, but does not change the display or motility the area that is shown as a scrollbar does.

History and progression [edit]

In 1974, moving the cursor to the left margin while using Bravo changed its shape to a double-headed arrow to permit for scrolling. Pressing the left or height red button scrolled the content up, and the line side by side to the cursor went to the top of the window. Pressing the right or bottom blue push scrolled the content down, and the line at the top of the window went down to the cursor. Property down the middle yellow push button changed the cursor to a thumb, allowing for jumping to that percentage of the certificate with an indicator of current placement.[4]

In 1977, Smalltalk included a stable scrollbar on the left side of the focus window. Clicking at the right half of the scrollbar moved the content up, and the left half moved the content downward. The center pollex of the bar could be dragged smoothly and showed the percentage of the content visible; the get-go proportional scroll bar.[5]

In 1980, Interlisp had a scrollbar that appeared on the left side of the window as the cursor moved towards the left. The bar'southward shaded thumb showed the percentage of content visible and was controlled past the middle button. The left button scrolled upward to move the selected position to the top border of the window, and the correct push button scrolled downward to move the meridian edge of the window to the selected position.[6]

Between 1981 and 1982, the Xerox Star moved the scrollbar to the correct to become it out of the way and reduce visual clutter. Coil arrows pointed inwards in the direction the content would move based on user studies, and + and – buttons allowed for scrolling by pages. The thumb was a fixed size diamond, independent of how much of document is visible. Clicking in the thumb elevator region would jump to that part of document.[7]

In 1983, the Apple Lisa had arrows pointing up and downward, page buttons, and a fixed size thumb.

In 1984, the Macintosh had a light gray rectangle with a "scroll box" thumb, "gray expanse" rail, and arrows pointing in opposite directions towards the content that would be exposed when the respective arrow was pressed. Arrows would scroll a single unit upon 1 click or auto repeat upon continuous printing. Page buttons were removed, and the elevator runway could be clicked in instead to motion to the adjacent section. Upon pressing the thumb, dragging it would bring it to that particular signal unless movement was made far out of the scrollbar before release, aborting the action. An empty scrollbar was displayed when a window was not in focus or if the entire document was visible within the window.[8]

In 1985, Jewel used a proportionally-sized "curlicue box" thumb, just otherwise operated identically to the Macintosh. The internet result was a modern scrollbar that looked and felt no unlike from the scrollbar in Windows today. GEM allowed the mouse to be moved far away from the scrollbar after clicking and holding, to reduce hand-eye coordination problems. AmigaOS followed later on in the year, as well with proportionally-sized curl boxes.

Besides in 1985, Viewpoint used the right button to movement content by percentage or by window rather than by page.

In 1988, Open Expect created an lift thumb with arrow keys straight on it. Clicking on the runway moved by pages, and car repeat would push the arrow along. Cable anchors were placed at the starting time and end of the document, and the center of the elevator could be dragged.[9]

In 1989, Adjacent moved the scrollbar dorsum to the left side of the window.[ten] The thumb was proportionally sized with arrows together at the bottom of the bar. Actions auto repeated, and the alt-key would move content past window. The pollex could be dragged, and using the alt-key while dragging would dull its movement.

In 1997, the PalmPilot included a conventional scrollbar where text extended past screen boundaries with use of both a draggable thumb and arrows that could be tapped with a stylus. It also had two physical buttons for scrolling up and scrolling down respectively.[11]

In 2001, Mac OS X 10.0 used a proportional thumb and moved both arrow buttons to the bottom of the bar.

In 2007, the iPhone and iOS included a regular scrollbar in the spider web browser and other applications, though information technology was simply for output and could non be interacted with. In contacts, a scrollbar of messages was provided to spring through content.[12]

In 2011, Mac Os Ten 10.7 removed the buttons from the terminate of the bar and was designed to look more like the iOS scrollbar. With the same release of Mac Os X x.7, Apple introduced "natural scrolling," which means that the screen moves in the same direction as the user's fingers are moving when they utilize the ii finger scroll gesture. If the user's fingers move up the trackpad, the content on the page goes up, allowing the user to read content farther down the page, and vice versa.[xiii]

In the 2015 version of Microsoft Discussion for Macs, disappearing scrollbars were introduced. The placement inside a document was not longer visible when the mouse was exterior the bar expanse even if the window in question was in focus. The purpose of this alter was to adapt to Macs' standard design practices of hiding the scrollbar when it is not immediately needed for information hierarchical purposes.[14]

Usage [edit]

Pollex dragging [edit]

Dragging the thumb is historically the traditional way of manipulating a scrollbar. By moving the cursor over to the thumb on the screen and and then pressing and holding, the thumb can exist dragged. This is often washed using either a trackpad or the left click button on a conventional mouse or touchpad. Moving the cursor while pressing down moves the scrollbar's thumb to see different sections of the page.[15] On applications native to Bone X 10.11 (and some previous OS 10 versions), scrollbars do not bear witness upwards on the user interface until the user uses another scrolling technique, such as the two-finger curl or using the arrow keys. Therefore, the user must scroll using ane of these methods first, and and so motion their cursor over to the thumb, wherever it appears.

On Microsoft Windows, moving the mouse away too far from the thumb while dragging information technology volition reset the scrolling position to prior.

Scroll cycle [edit]

A scroll wheel on a conventional mouse may likewise be used. Moving the bike in a desired direction moves the content in the same direction.[xvi] Almost mice contain gyre wheels that only roll upwards and down, but some mice contain scroll wheels that let the user to scroll in any direction (upwardly, down, left or correct), including diagonal directions. While scrolling up and down, the direction in which the page scrolls in response to the management that the user scrolls the curlicue wheel can differ depending on the computer's scrolling settings.

Arrow keys [edit]

The arrow buttons on the keyboard may exist clicked to scroll up, downward, left, or right on a page. This scrolling technique usually results in the screen scrolling very slowly in comparison to the other scrolling techniques. Clicking the arrow buttons would upshot in the page continuing to scroll until one of the ringlet limits has been reached.

Clicking the trough [edit]

The trough above or below the pollex can exist clicked in order to immediately jump to that point on the folio, or folio-by-folio for multipage content.[15] Later clicking the trough, scrolling automatically begins and and then cease once the thumb has reached the position of the mouse arrow. This scrolling technique is faster than others and is best used when the user has to gyre through a lot of content at once, or when the user knows where exactly on a folio they need to scroll to.

On-screen arrow buttons [edit]

Many applications, such as Microsoft Discussion and PowerPoint, comprise scrollbars with on screen directional arrows for purposes of scrolling. Clicking on the arrows scrolls a minor amount of the content, oftentimes unmarried lines, at a time, and pressing and holding on them with the cursor continuously scrolls over more area on the folio until released.[15] Sometimes, both arrow buttons appear next to each other for quick, precise manipulation without having to drag the pollex or move the mouse keen distances to the other arrow (this was offered equally an option in Mac OS 8.5); i of them may also be duplicated so every bit to testify at both ends of the bar, providing familiarity for those used to both divide and side by side buttons. These pointer buttons existed until Mac Bone Ten x.7 where they were dropped in favor of trackpad gestures and scroll-bicycle mice.[17]

In BeOS, the on-screen scrolling buttons for both directions appear on both ends of the scroll bar. In several Microsoft Office programs, the boosted buttons and can exist used for per-page navigation.[eighteen]

Different mouse buttons [edit]

Another scrolling technique with scrollbars is to wait at which mouse button was pressed. For case, a left-click on the down pointer might cause the window to scroll down, while a right click in the same place would scroll up (east.1000. RISC Bone), or the middle button could exist used to place the pollex precisely. This grade requires less fine motor skills, although it requires a multi-push mouse, and maybe a greater degree of GUI literacy.

Windows touchpad [edit]

Additionally, some Windows-enabled machines have a scrolling mechanism on the side of their touchpad, equally shown in the picture. To use this mechanism, a finger is placed on the whorl area and moved up and downwardly or left and right in order to curlicue effectually the page. Once more, depending on the estimator's scrolling settings, moving the finger in certain directions along these scrolling areas could result in different corresponding scrolling directions.[nineteen]

Mac trackpad [edit]

A more modern scrolling technique is using the two-finger scroll on a Mac trackpad. In this technique, the tips of two fingers from the same paw are placed on the surface of the trackpad and moved appropriately. If the user has their trackpad scrolling direction set to "natural," moving their two fingers toward the elevation of the trackpad will crusade the page to whorl upwardly towards the peak of the page; conversely, moving their fingers toward the bottom of the trackpad will cause the page to scroll down towards the bottom. If the user "flicks" their fingers by moving their two fingers very chop-chop across the trackpad so releasing their fingers, the page will go along to whorl in the direction in which they flicked until it eventually slows downward and stops, either considering ane of the ringlet limits is reached or because the roll speed slows down so much that it somewhen merely stops. This characteristic is chosen inertia.

Alternative designs [edit]

Many variations on the traditional scrollbar design and usage have been proposed or implemented. To avoid limiting window visibility with scrollbars while still assuasive for functionality, the utilise of a software tether (thin line) associated with motility of the mouse pointer around the tether has been proposed. Similarly, the scrollbar tin exist direct placed inside the content where it is useful, both decreasing space used and reducing required pointer movements.[twenty]

The inclusion of visual and operational clues within the scrollbar brandish surface area can indicate which directions allow for scrolling movement as well as which interactions with the scrollbar are available.[twenty] This can be a blank field to betoken a list's finish, disabling of scrolling buttons, and color changes in the scrollbar.

Some scrollbars include a visual position indicator to help make up one's mind where the scrolling activeness has gone or volition get to in the content.[21] For multipage content, an indicator of the current folio number vs the total page number can exist included next to the pollex as scrolling occurs, and wider scrollbars can include an overview of the entire page. In scrollbars similar those used in phone contact lists made upwardly of the letters of the alphabet, the letter corresponding to the current area can be displayed larger or highlighted in some style. While these are stable and provided by the application, some applications and search engines permit for the use of relevance markers provided or added by the user. These can be strictly visual or can automatically terminate action inside the scrollbar once each mark is reached.[20] These can be emphasized with color or fifty-fifty sound to further assist the user in finding what they need within the content.

Simultaneous 2d-scrolling [edit]

Special scroll-bar like graphical control elements let panning around a 2-dimensional space by just moving a single rectangle in any direction on the plane. For case, the GtkScrollpane from GTK+ is implemented in the text viewers gv and ghostview.

Some other instance for simultaneous two-dimensional scrolling is an alignment program for poly peptide sequences.[22] Initially, the horizontal scroll-bar looks similar a conventional ane. But so the scroll-bar offers iii boosted features:

  1. It provides an overview of the entire scene.
  2. The height tin exist enlarged.
  3. The knob can not only be moved left and right but likewise up and down for vertical scrolling.

In RISC OS dragging a scrollbar with the left mouse push button operates in the usual way, but dragging with the right button causes the pointer to disappear and both scrollbars to exist manipulated simultaneously. Many GUI operations in RISC OS perform a related merely slightly different function when right clicked.

Customization [edit]

Trough marks in the vertical scrollbar during search in Google Chrome browser

The ability and specific methods needed to customize the await and part of scrollbars can vary significantly based on which operating system or software awarding you are attempting to customize. A common method of altering the look of the scrollbar in Web pages is to use CSS directives to modify the scrollbar colors. These are non-standard and supported simply by Microsoft Cyberspace Explorer versions five.x or college and Opera.[23] [24] And in WebKit-based browsers, there are pseudo-elements called:

  • ::-webkit-scrollbar
  • ::-webkit-scrollbar-button
  • ::-webkit-scrollbar-track
  • ::-webkit-scrollbar-rails-piece
  • ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb
  • ::-webkit-scrollbar-corner
  • and ::-webkit-resizer

WebKit also provides many pseudo-classes to modify the style of scrollbars.[25]

Scrollbars have besides been enhanced to encode information near list entries.[26] For example, Google Chrome introduces trough marks in the vertical scrollbar to indicate places in the document where a particular search term was constitute.

Limitations and issues [edit]

Calculator literate users are ofttimes familiar with scrollbars, but those with limited knowledge may non intuitively empathize them, especially given more recent variations, without help.[27] Regardless of literacy, multiple issues can be constitute across diverse types of scrollbars and their interactions. In terms of design, if the window size is already small, the visible content area will be further reduced past the presence of a scrollbar.[xx] While some more recent disappearing scrollbars aid mitigate this problem, more than traditional ones do non avoid it, especially when in that location are both horizontal and vertical bars present.

In terms of use, many common problems have to practice with accurateness. Mapping betwixt the scrollbar and brandish is linear, and so accuracy of use is relative to the size of the content.[28] Navigation through a smaller document is then simpler than navigation through a larger document. This also means that all portions of a certificate are emphasized equally, and importance of each portion is not recognized past utilise of the scrollbar.

There is non often an indication of where in the content a curlicue has reached unless the scrolling activity is stopped to view the content. This makes information technology difficult regardless of whether or not the user knows what they are looking for or the full general system of the content. Those that practice have an indicator are limited by the predetermined settings in visibility, amount, and style.[21] If attempting to ringlet while performing an action such as highlighting, the scroll amount may not represent to the desired amount, overshooting or prompting the user to reposition multiple times.[29] Overshooting can as well occur when attempting to position most the top or the bottom of a single page within a larger prepare. An attempted modest curl adjustment by the user may result in a larger ane every bit the scrolling activates an automated action jumping to the adjacent page.[xv]

Studies [edit]

A 1986 report by William Buxton and Brad Myers tested dissimilar two-handed interactions, including scrolling, clicking, and resizing. In their written report, clicking and resizing were washed in parallel. Their first experiment called for participants to perform a selection/positioning chore, and their 2d experiment requested that participants do a compound navigation/option task. The study found that users can perform these tasks faster and in parallel when they use both hands, but not necessarily when they utilise both hands simultaneously. They likewise found that the more than related the tasks were that they user was doing with each of their easily, the faster they performed the tasks they were asked to do.[xxx]

Meet also [edit]

  • Scroll lock
  • Slider
  • Interaction technique
  • Scrolling

References [edit]

  1. ^ Beard, David V.; Walker II, John Q. (1990). "Navigational techniques to improve the display of big ii-dimensional spaces". Behaviour & Data Technology. ix (6): 451–466. doi:10.1080/01449299008924259.
  2. ^ Beaudouin-Lafon, Michel (2004). "Designing interaction, non interfaces". Proceedings of the Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces: 15–22. doi:ten.1145/989863.989865. ISBN1581138679. S2CID 3395621.
  3. ^ Apple Publications Style Guide 2008 Archived June 12, 2009, at the Wayback Motorcar
  4. ^ Lampson, Butler West. (September 1979). Alto Non-Programmer'south Guide (PDF). Xerox Corporation. p. 34.
  5. ^ How To Employ the Smalltalk-76 System (PDF). Xerox Corporation. Oct 1979.
  6. ^ Interlisp Reference Manual (PDF). Xerox Corporation. October 1983.
  7. ^ Dix, Alan (Spring 1998). "Hands across the screen". Interfaces (37): xix–22.
  8. ^ Apple tree Calculator, Inc. (1992). Macintosh Human being Interface Guidelines. Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley.
  9. ^ Heller, Dan (1990). XView Programming Manual (PDF). O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
  10. ^ "Steve Jobs' New 'automobile for the 'ninety's'". BYTE: vi. 1988.
  11. ^ PalmPilot Handbook (PDF). 3Com Corporation. 1997.
  12. ^ iPhone User Guide (PDF). Apple Inc. 2011.
  13. ^ Hamburger, Ellis. "Here's Why Mac Os X Lion'south "Natural Scrolling" Feels So Horribly Unnatural". Business organisation Insider. Business Insider Inc.
  14. ^ "Word 2016 For Mac Quick Start Guide". Microsoft. Microsoft.
  15. ^ a b c d Bates, Cary Lee; Day, Paul Reuben. "User interface component and method of navigating across a purlieus coupled to a gyre bar brandish element". Google Patents.
  16. ^ Shu, Andy. "Scroll bar input device for mouse". Google Patents.
  17. ^ Workaround for Having No Scrollbar Arrows in Mac Os 10 Panthera leo
  18. ^ "Windows' Scrolling Behaviour". 2009-12-10.
  19. ^ Hoffman, Chris. "How To Use Windows viii'southward Gestures on a Laptop Trackpad". How to Geek. How-To Geek LLC.
  20. ^ a b c d Mishra, Umakant (2014). "10 Inventions on scrolling and scrollbars in Graphical User Interface A TRIZ based analysis".
  21. ^ a b Rowley, Daniel Southward.; Chapman, Leigh. "Method and arrangement for providing an intelligent visual scrollbar position indicator". Google Patents.
  22. ^ 3d-alignment.european union
  23. ^ Opera'due south Settings File Explained
  24. ^ Scrollbar-Base of operations-Color – Cascading Style Sheets Properties
  25. ^ "Styling Scrollbars". 19 March 2009.
  26. ^ McCrickard, D.S.; Catrambone, R. (1999). "Beyond the scrollbar: An evolution and evaluation of alternative navigation techniques". Proceedings 1999 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages. pp. 270–277. doi:10.1109/VL.1999.795913. ISBN0-7695-0216-4. S2CID 5715116.
  27. ^ Berstis, Viktors; James, Donald A.; Radhakrishnan, Sockalinga; Xavier, James. "Replacement of traditional scroll bar with a "more" bar". Google Patents.
  28. ^ Bates, Cary L.; Day, Paul R. "Figurer system, user interface component and method utilizing non-linear coil bar". Google Patents.
  29. ^ Holehan, Steven D. "Estimator keyboard scroll bar control". Google Patents.
  30. ^ Buxton, William; Myers, Brad (April 1986). "A Study in Two-Handed Input". Proceedings SIGCHI '86: Human Factors in Computing Systems. Boston, MA. pp. 321–326.

External links [edit]

  • Hiding the scrollbar on an HTML page


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